ABOUT Jade Reptiles


Zach Minter, Founder of Jade Reptiles, has been passionate about Reptiles from a very early age. He spent countless hours as kid searching and chasing down elusive lizards and snakes in his hometown. In the last several years he has found a passion for Asian Water Monitors. This passion coupled with being a professional Biologist for 12+ years has led to the start of Jade Reptiles.

OUR Path

We started with a passion for Asian Water Monitors and through years of study and exceptional husbandry we are able to provide some of the best Captive Born and Bred Asian Water Monitors to other enthusiasts.

OUR Future

Currently Jade Reptiles is a small independent breeder of Asian Water Monitors with high end genes. We will always provide quality animals, but our future endeavors are to expand our operation past high end breeding.

At Jade Reptiles we feel there isn’t enough effort put towards the captive breeding of normal, or wild type Asian Water Monitors. This leads to a lot of imported hatchling normals. These animals rarely make good pets due to the fact that they are wild at heart and are often imported with disease and parasites, causing them to not live long and healthy lives. In the coming years we aim to provide a source for whomever wants a high quality and healthy normal Captive Born and Bred Asian Water Monitor. Stay tuned for this upcoming operation.